Arist as older sister

Every relationship between sisters looks different. I am an older sister of two and I am aware that this relationship might be challenging. In describing this role I will use my personal experience of being and older sister as staring point. It is closely connected with care and care giving challenges patriarchal structures and fosters relational bonds based on empathy, mutual support, and collective responsibility. The role of the older sister transcends traditional familial boundaries to address broader communal and societal needs.

me as younger sister...
me as younger sister...
me as younger sister...
me as younger sister...
me as younger sister...
me as younger sister...
me as younger sister...
me as younger sister...
me as older sister:
I think if my sister feels lonely
I cook food for her
I sometimes steal her creams
I never want to offend her, but
sometimes it happens
we as a sisters grew up together
we go for fries sometimes
me as younger sister:
I rely a lot on my older sister
I have to remind her about myself
I sometimes steal some shirts from her closet
I never feel lonely
we as sisters can always fight over stupid things
we as sisters sometimes we cry together
we as sisters will never stop loving each other
I wish this essay was not a description of the relationship from only one side.
I asked my sister to describe her feelings about our relationship.

I always give a lift to my sister because she doesn't have a license

broaden political stories

The complexity of the exhibition space reminds me of the complexity of the role of being a sister. What I like in her work is going beyond the individualistic perspective and uniting artists in collaborative endeavors and creating the guild.